When it comes to body hair, everyone has their own opinion of what’s attractive and what’s not. But when it comes to back hair, virtually everyone agrees – it isn’t a sexy look! While there are several ways to go about removing unwanted hair, shaving is one of the least expensive and least painful ways to achieve a smooth and hairless back. Once you start this process of shaving your back, you will wonder why you didn’t start shaving sooner. In case you are wondering how to get a smooth back, here is your guide to starting now and mastering the art of shaving your back the right way.

How to shave your back?

Have you ever wondered how many times a week should you shave your back hair? You don’t need more than once a week! You will get a clean cut without your skin becoming over-sensitive. However, if you are hairy then shaving twice a week might be necessary. Just don’t forget to keep up with all the pre-shaving and post-shaving routines to avoid any sensitivity on your skin in the future.


The perfect guide

Step 1: Get the right tools

Let’s face it, asking someone, no matter how close that person is to you to shave your back is super awkward. Fortunately, by picking the right tools you don’t need anyone to interfere in this process but yourself. The men’s grooming industry has evolved to produce advanced razors and products to finally take charge of grooming routines so firstly pick a razor blade – a back shaver isn’t your everyday razor blade. Most back shavers are designed to help you to shave without assistance. Pick your favorite exfoliating product, a gentle loofah to help you work your exfoliate product into your back, a back lotion, and shaving cream (you can definitely choose DORCO Shaving Foam which will help you no end). On another note, if you want to explore the best men’s razor for a back shave, you can check out DORCO’s collection.

Step 2: Trim your back hair

If you’re super hairy, you will probably need to trim your hair first before you use the razor. Trying to shave long and thick hair with a tiny razor will only clog the blade.



Step 3: Take a warm shower

Showering with warm water before starting the process will soften your skin and back hair and will minimize micro-cuts caused by the razor you are using. Allow the pores to open fully by spending at least 5 minutes under warm water.



Step 4: Exfoliate

Exfoliating before shaving is essential to get the perfect smooth shave. The regular exfoliating process will help remove the buildup of dead skin cells and dirt which can clog your razor and cause razor bumps and redness.



Step 5: Apply shave cream or oil

Good shaving cream or oil can make or break the shave. Both products will help you to hydrate and soothe your skin and allow the razor to glide effortlessly. A tip: once you are out of the shower and your skin is dry, apply 7-10 drops of pre-shave oil to your back lotion applicator. Reach out to your shoulder and massage your back for 20-30 seconds.


Step 6: Shave back hair with a back shaver

Finally, you have reached the actual long waited step. Grab your back shaver in your dominant hand and reach across the front of the body to access the opposite side of your back. Shave your entire side horizontally and pull the shaver towards you with each stroke. Hold the back shaver with the opposite hand and repeat on the other side.


Step 7: Moisturize your skin

Remember – after shaving your back, you are not quite finished! The final step is to moisturize your back to seal in hydration and minimize any irritation from shaving.

Best of all, you managed to complete this unsexy task all by yourself. Before you start showing off your work to the world make sure you take the time to check in the mirror that you’re 100% finished