Thanks to the certified lover boy, Drake, beard shaping has become an essential part of grooming rituals for men. Between that and getting regular trims, eyebrows tend to be overlooked! We know that thick and bushy brows are the new trend but having a maintenance routine can help you define your features and get a clean look. How to shave your eyebrows, is the question many of us ask. With DORCO, we can help you learn how to do that in no time.

So, how to shave your eyebrows?
Let’s start with agreeing that it is essential to give your brows the love and care they deserve. As we’re aware, men tend to have more ingrown hair than women, so moisturizing or exfoliating your face will help these tiny hairs to grow faster. Getting to the real work now – Start by trimming. Begin by brushing your brows upward to spot all the excess hair. After that, use an eyebrow blade trimmer or scissors to get the job done. Make sure not use a brow trimmer to trim the tail of your brows so they don’t appear shorter. Plucking is the most precise way to get the best results, so pick a pair of tweezers after a hot shower, as the steam will help loosen up the hair under the skin and give you a less painful experience. Next, pick the right eyebrow trimmer! As men tend to have more fuzz around their brows, which can make it look messy, we highly recommend using one of DORCO’s eyebrow trimmer for men to get a precise shave and get the ideal brow shape. Once all of this is done, don’t forget to hydrate! Choose a product with hyaluronic acid and Vitamin C to help boost your skin radiance and leave you smelling amazing – win win!

The ideal care routine for your eyebrows!
For all the ladies out there, we did not forget about you! Your eyebrows are one of your most prominent facial features, and one that allows you to express yourself uniquely. Unfortunately, not everyone is blessed with thick eyebrows and many of us are still trying to figure out the right shape to suit our faces. If you’re struggling, keep reading, and we’ll give you some ideas to help sculpt your brows in no time using the perfect eyebrow razor.

Essential tips that your eyebrows need!
Brush your brows every day! Yes, you heard that right. Brushing them daily will help keep them tidy and allow your hair to grow. Do not over pluck! Ask your technician to use an eyebrow hair remover to remove the unwanted hair to maintain thickness and have a better natural look. Next, choose the right eyebrow razor for face – (might we suggest the women’s eyebrow razor – DORCO SHAI SAFE?). This will allow you to maintain the shape according to your liking even if you can’t visit your eyebrow lady. Lastly, apply aloe vera gel to your brows as it can soothe any irritation that might occur post plucking, shaving your brows or shaping them, giving you the shine that you are always looking for.
Here you go – Now you have all you need to pull off the perfect look with the perfect brows using the perfect eyebrow shaver!